Tour of Alteryx Designer
Introduction to Data Preparation
Learn Alteryx platform basics, including loading data, simple data preparation, and using Input Data, Browse, and Select tools for analysis.
Introduction to Data Filtering
Learn to filter and sort store metrics in Alteryx Designer using Input Data, Filter, and Sort tools, and output the result as an HTML table.
Introduction to Data Blends
Learn to blend transaction data from XML and customer details from CSV using Alteryx Designer, and find total sales for each customer segment.
Introduction to Data Analysis
Learn to analyze customer transaction data in Alteryx Designer, group customers based on shopping habits, and rank them using the Tile and Formula tools.
Introduction to Tableau Interface
Explore the Tableau interface, covering features such as sheets, menus, toolbars, data pane, status bar, analytics tab, and shelves for building visualizations.
Getting Started with Tableau
Learn to connect data sources, create visualizations, and share insights using Tableau. Follow along to explore Superstore data, analyze sales and profitability, and create a dashboard for distribution.